New "Absences Summary" I have heard from Principals that they can alternate to see other locations information. Please make sure this is set so they can only see their locations. On the employee portal is it just the individual employees info that shows?
Latest Status:
Defect Identified
Issue Type:
Version(s) Affected:
Steps to Replicate:
Access the Dashboard with a user set for a location. Access the Coq, check the setting of the user under System > Security > User Management and check what is the location the employee logged in is set up for.
Try to modify the location accessing Dashboard > Absence Summary > Cog
Choose Location that is not the location that the user is set up > Select
REPLICATED: Location based Employee can see other Location information and should not
Amber Ruest
Topic Name:
84177 : Absence Summary
Original Requester:
Reported Issue:
Latest Status:
Defect Identified
Issue Type:
Version(s) Affected:
Steps to Replicate:
Access the Dashboard with a user set for a location. Access the Coq, check the setting of the user under System > Security > User Management and check what is the location the employee logged in is set up for.
Try to modify the location accessing Dashboard > Absence Summary > Cog
Choose Location that is not the location that the user is set up > Select
REPLICATED: Location based Employee can see other Location information and should not
Workaround: N/A