NOTE: Board need to print out all the Current Year's Data as it will be deleted once they create the Next Year's Data.
STEP 1 > CONTRACT MAINTENACE SCREEN - This screen is used to uniquely identify each Contract to be negotiated. You can set up Contract Codes to be negotiated between the Board and the Union. Although Contracts generally run for 1 to 3 years, the system allows a maximum of 5 years for a Contract Code. The Employee Groups belonging to that Contract are defined in the 'Negotiation Contract Code' field in the "Employee Group Maintenance" Screen.
Board will create new 'Contract Code' for each group with new 'Negotiation Period Start Date'.
STEP 2 > PROJECTION MAINTENANCE SCREEN - This Screen is used to define the 'Grid Projections' for a Contract that is being negotiated. The 'Projection Code' identifies the Grid Projections on the base Grids.
Board will create new 'Contract Code' for each group and create the 'Salary & Allowance' Section as well.
NOTE: The 'Base Grid Start Date' should match the 'Grid Start Date' on the "Salary Grids" Screen under Board Control.
STEP 3 > BUILD PROJECTION GRIDS SCREEN - This Process uses the information in the "Projection Maintenance" Screen to create 'Projected Salary & Allowance Grids'. If this process is rerun for a Contract Code which has been run previously, it deletes the existing projected Salary and Allowance Grids before creating new ones. Only run one group at a time. No Report gets created for this process.
STEP 4 > NEGOTIATION SALARY GRIDS SCREEN - This Screen is used to add, modify or delete a 'Salary Grid Category' for an Employee Group. Changes are not made to the current 'Salary & Allowance Grids' that exist in HRS at the Board level. After running the "Build Projection Grids" Process, this screen will gets populated automatically.
STEP 6 > BUILD EXTRACT TABLE - This batch job copies a “frozen” version of the Employee data for the Contract Codes. These records need to be added manually for each one.
STEP 7 > PROJECTION STEPS - This Process shows the projection of Grid Steps and cost of each Employee for all years in a Contract. Only run one group at a time. This is how the increase is implemented for example 'Yearly Increment' or 'Full Grid Step'. No Report gets created for this process.
STEP 8 > PROJECTION CALCULATION - This Process calculates the 'Projected Salaries & Allowances' for Employees based on the
"Employee Extract" and "Projection Grids" for each Contract Year. Only run one group at a time. No Report gets created for this process.
STEP 9 > POPULATION GRID - This module produces a Report of all Salary and Allowance Population Grids Processed. All groups will have 'Step Grouping' as 0.00 except for Teachers.
NOTE: Applicable only to Teachers, enter the percentage of increments relating to each grid step, that is Teachers is 1/10th of a step whole all others are one full step. Teachers will be usually at 0.1
Only run one group at a time. No Report gets created for this process.
STEP 9 > PROJECTION BY GL ACCOUNT - This Process produces a report of all Employee Increments by GL Accounts. Only run one group at a time. The 'GL Account Sort/Group/Totals' is always 01:12.
STEP 10 > PROJECTION BY GL ACCOUNT REPORT - To verify if the 'Projected Annual Compensation' is correct, take the 'Projected Annual Compensation' divide by the FTE. Then check the value against the "Negotiated Grid Steps" values at the expected increment Category and Grid.