Please use the below Base URL for One Roster API's
Base URL-
To enable a vendor to have access to your One Roster Data, your instance will have an apikey for you specific tenant.
Tenant Name: your school domain name
apikey: <Edsembli will provide a apikey unique to your tenant>
To give access to a vendor, you will need to do the following:
1. Setup a generic staff record called oneroster.
2. Create a unique vendor username with the fully qualified domain name like an email (email does not require access) and link the unique vendor user to the oneroster staff record.
Examples for unique vendors can be a complex string [email protected] or simple as vendor acronym like: [email protected]
Create a unique user for each vendor so you can control access.
To control access to the Oneroster, you can do 1 of the 2 following methods:
1. Create a security user and make the account active with a complex password that you do not need to share with the vendor. You can maintain access by make the account Active to give access, or Inactive to revoke access.
2. Create the security user and make active to give access, and Delete the Security User to revoke access.