Edsembli HRP Portal Account Access Setup
ISSUE: New employees at the board require access to be created for the user to access the edsembli HRP web portal.
GOAL: Establish a baseline of how to provide edsembli HRP Web Portal Access and the appropriate modules to accomplish this.
Defining Portal Groups and Distributing Permissions
Settings > Portal Maintenance
Choose Create Portal Groups
Search > Select the Portal Group the new user will belong to > Modify
**Ensure the Portal Group is configured as expected**
Note: When reviewing the Portal Group make sure to verify the Staff Management > EID > Position & Assignment (Positions table).
This area will display each combination of Employee Group, Job Code, Location Code and Establishment Code (Position ID composition) that will ultimately scope Employees with this setup into this Portal Access Group.
Note: When configuration Position record combinations, users have the options of making it Employee Specific, Position ID Specific or General for any Position ID Attribute.
Note: If the Position details referenced for the Portal Group Access belong to a position that is no longer active - the employee will not be captured in the process.
This is due to the system only matching against active position records to the defined parameters.
Example of Employee Specific:
Above is an example of the most targeted form of security access allocation.
Here we can see a very specific Employee ID has been configured alongside a specific Employee Group Code, Job/Location/Establishment Code and Location Type.
This allows the user to configure not only just the specific Employee, but in addition this user must have certain aspects of their Position ID within the above parameters as well.
Example of Position ID Specific:
Here we can see a more specific method of configuring the group of employees that will inherit the Portal Group permissions.
A specific Employee Group Code and Job Code has been selected, along with a short list of Location Codes and the generic board Establishment Code.
This allows members of the board to target specific Employee Groups and Jobs at certain Locations to inherit the permissions configured under this Portal Group.
Example of a General Configuration for Position ID Attribute (Employee Group Code):
The Employee ID = <ALL> field tells us that this is not an Employee specific configuration, and will therefore allow users to map more employees into this Portal Group with ease.
Additionally, Job Code, Location Code, Establishment Code and Location Type = <ALL>
We can see that the only specific field configured above is Employee Group Code = ADMOPER. What this means is that literally anyone with this Employee Group, no matter what Position ID combination or other setup is present – all employees under the Employee Group = ADMOPER will inherit the permissions configured by this Portal Group.
This is a great way to assign permissions in bulk, with ease for the end user.
Process Submission:
Once all Portal Groups have been configured, users can navigate to the bottom of the module and configure Show New Groups Only in Reports = Y, and then choose Submit to run the report.
Alternatively, users can select Schedule to choose a specific interval (Daily, Weekly, Monthly) to have this process automated. This way, once someone is onboarded and assigned a group, every night (for example) this would automatically distribute permissions to new employees.
Note: Here only shows the employee ID of users in the group (refer to below to see how to check actual names in each group)
Once the process has been submitted, a background process will check for all new employees apart of all the defined Employee Groups configured for each Portal Group, and automatically distribute permissions to the appropriate employees.
Choose HR > Reports > Process Reports to view the Export Group to Web Portal Report and check over the impacted Employees with ease.
Note: The Report will only show New Employees on the report as configured above. If you wish for the Report to display all employees, simply configure Show New Groups Only in Reports = N and rerun.
Link to Complete Access Setup Solution Article: https://support.edsembli.com/a/solutions/articles/8000110050?lang=en&portalId=8000006815