To Install the Service Bus (SB) 1.1 with 1.2 TLS support, Please follow the below steps:
1. Check if the TLS 1.2 is enabled on the server. To check, Please use the attached "check_tls1.2.ps1" script on the server on which you need the SB installed.
2. If TLS is not enabled, run the "set_tls12_on_servers.ps1" script on the server and restart the server after the script has run.
3. Install the Service bus package from SFTP SIte under InitialSetup Folder
4. Go through the Instructions for installing the Service bus. Make sure to select the Service bus with TLS 1.2 Support:
5. After Installation, Click on STart> Service Bus Configuration> Join Farm With Custom Settings:
6. Input SQL Server Name, use the SQL Server Authentication, Make Sure Database Name is not already exists in the Sql Server, Otherwise you can rename it accordingly.
7. Put the Service Account and password and put the same password in Certificate Generation Key
8. Leave other settings as it is and click next and click the check mark button to deploy the Service Bus.
9. Once the Service bus has finished installatin, go to Start, Service Bus Powershell> Open as Administrator
10. Create the SBNamespace using the below script- (You can have whatever name you like, in this case i am using K212 and Manage user will be the service account and this has to be same account as in your AppSettings.config file.
New-SBNamespace -Name K212 -ManageUsers [email protected]
11. Now run the below command to get the client Configuration:
This will give you the client configuration that will be used in the APPSETTINGS.config file.