The following is an example of how DB Export may be used. In this case, we are creating and running an export to emulate the same data that would be returned in the Vendor Name and Address report. However, the concepts contained here are transferable to any of the DB Export functions available in Edsembli FIN:
- Cheque
- G/L Dictionary
- Alias Dictionary
- G/L Account
- Journal Entry
- Stock
- Vendor
Setting up and generating a vendor export:
- In System --> Settings --> DB Import/Export, select Data Type Vendor and click Create New Setting
- Uncheck Setting to have import capability (this is important because it will remove the requirement for mandatory fields)
- Check Header Included – this will create column headers in the output
- Click in the Excluded Fields area and select the fields below* – when finished, click anywhere outside the box to reveal the Include button, click it and Save.
- In System --> DB Export --> Vendor Export, select the setting just created, Export To Excel and click DB Export (optionally can be clicked first). The system will create an excel file with the requested data.