Adding a cashier in Edsembli FIN is a two step process:

  1. Create a new cashier batch code In Batch à Batch Code Management (Figure 1).  These can be generic codes that can be assigned to successive cashiers or designed for the specific person – a new batch code would need to be created for each new cashier 
    1. Batch Code: enter a unique code, 2-4 characters long.  Examples of generic codes would be C01, C02, 01, 02, etc.   This example is specific to the new cashier John Smith.
    2. Batch Code Description: Enter a description for this batch code.
    3. G/L Clearing Account: Enter a G/L code.  Although never used (accounting information is driven by the Accounts Receivable settings) this is a required field for batch code addition.
    4. Bank Code: Select a bank code from the drop down list.  Again, bank codes have no relevance in Accounts Receivable.
    5. G/L Bank Account: Again, enter a G/L code.  Although never used (accounting information is driven by the Accounts Receivable settings) this is a required field for batch code addition.
    6. Batch Code Usage: Select Multiple Usage Allowed; then select AR Cash Receipt in the box below .
    7. Is Lockable: If you wish for batches using this code to be lockable so that no further entries can be made to a batch, select Yes.
    8. Fund: If Fund Accounting is enabled in the Accounting Settings and you wish for automatic due-to / due-from entries to be made, select the base fund here.

  2. In Security à User Management, identify the user as a cashier and select the batch code created for the purpose:
    1. Search for the user using the options provided; once the user appears in the grid, select Modify from the action codes to the right of the user.
    2. In the User Type section, check the Cashier check box; this will enable the Cashier Code drop-down list to the right; select the appropriate batch code for the cashier.  Note: the only batch codes that will appear in this drop-down list are cashier batch codes that are not already associated with another user.  Therefore, if using generic batch codes, when a user leaves the board or is no longer to work as a cashier, be sure to remove that cashier code from the user so that it will be available for assigning to a new cashier.


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