ISSUE: Clarification needed on the Instruction Document for OMERSNFT installation patch.
FIX: Disregard copying the K212 HR Payroll Client Setup\app.config file into K212 HR Payroll Client Setup\Ecno.Ipps.Payroll.Client.exe.config.
Simply insert the Highlighted config setting.
Open the file > Ensure OMERSNFT lines are spelt correctly, there was a spelling mistake
It is only supposed to be "OMERSNFT_(0).txt" as shown below
<setting name="OMERSNFTFileName" serializeAs="String">
Note: Ensure any changes within this file under K212 HR Payroll Client Setup folder are re-copied into K212 HR Payroll Client folder.
You can now navigate to Deployment Wizard > Next until you see the Program Files > Choose Ecno.Ipps.Payroll.Client.exe and ensure the Program is choosing "OMERSNFT_(0).txt" and not "OMERSNFT_(0)_(1).txt"