Steps to Setup Employee Groups for Timesheets
- Navigate to Board Control\General Tables\Employee Group Maintenance
- Search for the desired Employee Group
- Under the field ‘WEB Timesheet Indicator’ select ‘Yes’
- ‘Yes’ allows the employee group to gain access to the Web Timesheet Transaction Process
- Once the field ‘WEB Timesheet Indicator’ is set to ‘Yes’ the ‘WEB Timesheet Approval Type’ will become mandatory
- Under the field ‘WEB Timesheet Approval Type’ select from the dropdown menu either ‘L’ for Location Approval or ‘G’ for Group Approval
- Selecting ‘L’ indicates that all employee WEB Transactions from this specific Employee Group will be entered and/or approved by an authorized supervisor for the specific work location
- Selecting ‘G’ indicates that all employee WEB Transactions from this specific Employee Group will be entered and/or approved by an authorized supervisor for the specific Employee Group
- Save the changes made on this screen
- Navigate to Board Control\General Tables\Site Configuration
- Under the Section ‘WEB Applications Parameters fill in the fields with the desired amounts for Timesheets
- The field ‘Oldest WEB Transaction Allowed to Be Entered (days) – Timesheet’ represents how far in the past a Timesheet can be entered in the Web
- The field ‘Future WEB Transaction Allowed to Be Entered (days) – Timesheet’ represents how far in the further a Timesheet can be entered in the Web
- The field ‘Maximum Number of WEB Transactions in a Batch – Timesheet’ represents the maximum number of WEB transactions that will be included in one batch at the time of import into IPPS
- The field ‘WEB Transaction Retention - Main Table (days) – Timesheet’ represents how long a Web entered Timesheet will remain in the Web Transaction table after being imported in IPPS
- The field ‘WEB Transaction Retention - History Table (days) – Timesheet’ represents how long WEB entered transactions remain in the WEB Transaction History table
- Navigate to Board Control\General Tables\Web Absence Timesheet Authorization Maintenance
- Please Note from the fields ‘Location Code’ to ‘Job Code’ is for Authorize Timesheet Supervisors for an Employee Group or Location and the fields from ‘Authorization Location’ to ‘Authorization Description’ is for Authorization Timesheet Supervisor for Employee’s Home or Timesheet location
- Create a record for a Supervisor by filling out the ‘Location Code’, ‘Authorization Order’ ‘Job Code’ and ‘Absence/Timesheet’ fields
- In ‘Location Code’ enter an active and valid ‘Location Code’ where the desired supervisor(s) are currently working
- In ‘Authorization Order’ enter a number between 0 to 99 in order to determine the order in which the supervisors are displayed on the “Send For Approval To” list
- In ‘Job Code’ enter a valid ‘Job Code’ for the desired supervisor(s)
- In ‘Absence/Timesheet’ fields select either ‘A’ for ‘Absence’ or ‘T’ for ‘Timesheet’ as desired
- Fill in the ‘Authorization for Location’, ‘Authorization for Group’ and ‘Auth Level’ based on the desired Employee Group for the supervisor to approve
- For ‘Authorization for Location’ enter an active, valid Location Code that exists. K212 Portal users will have access to enter and/or authorize Timesheets for any Employee working in this Location (use this if under Board Control\General Tables\Employee Group Maintenance the field ‘WEB Timesheet Approval Type’ is selected as ‘L’) (‘Authorization for Group’ field should then be set to ‘N/A’)
- For ‘Authorization for Group’ enter an active, Employee Group Code. K212 Portal users will have access to enter and/or authorize Absences/Timesheets for any Employee working in this Employee Group (use this if under Board Control\General Tables\Employee Group Maintenance the field ‘WEB Timesheet Approval Type’ is selected as ‘G’) (‘Authorization for Location’ field should then be set to ‘N/A’)
- For ‘Auth Level’ select ‘F’ (Full Access), ‘A’ (Approve Only) or ‘E’ (Enter Only) as desired
- Navigate to Payroll\Group Data\Basic Group Data
- Search for the desired Employee Group
- The field ‘Allow Timesheet on Non-Working Days’ select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as desired
- Selecting ‘Yes’ will allow employees from this Employee Group to enter Timesheets in K212 Portal on non-working days based on the Group Exception Calendar for the Employee Group
- Selecting ‘No’ will not allow employees from the Employee Group to enter Timesheets in K212 Portal on non-working days based on the Group Exception Calendar for the Employee Group
- The field ‘Allow Multi Timesheets Per Position’ select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as desired
- Selecting ‘Yes’ will allow employees from the Employee Group to enter multiple Timesheets per position per day in K212 Portal
- Selecting ‘No’ will not allow employees from the Employee Group to enter multiple Timesheets per position per day in K212 Portal
- The field ‘Report Unapproved Web Timesheets’ select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as desired
- Selecting ‘Yes’ will include the Employee Group on the Unapproved Web Timesheet Report
- Selecting ‘No’ will not including the Employee Group on the Unapproved Web Timesheet Report
- Everything is now set up for the Employee Group to enter a Timesheet on K212 Portal
Steps to enter a Timesheet in K212 Portal
- In K212 Portal, navigate to the Timesheet Module
- Select the desired Timesheet Entry Process
- Daily Timesheet Entry is for daily employees and is based upon the Payment Method in the Basic Group Data screen (Payment Method 4)
- Hourly Timesheet Entry is for hourly employees which is based up Payment Method in the Basic Group Data screen (Payment Method 3)
- Board Entry is for Employees who work at the board with board level access entering for someone
- Employee Entry is for employees with employee level access entering Timesheets for themselves
- Supervisor Entry is for the supervisor of an employee entering Timesheets for their employees
- Please Note: The Process will be the same of all of the Timesheet entry screens
- Select the ‘+New’ Icon, this will bring up a new Page where users will enter a Timesheet
- Please Note when Entering a Timesheet, all of the mandatory yellow fields have to be filed out
- To Start, fill in the field ‘Work Date From’ with the date they would like to enter a Timesheet for. Users can either manually type in the date or select the desired date from the calendar
- Please Note: Users can only enter a Timesheet between the defined date range. This date range is defined with the field ‘Timesheet can be entered From XXXX/XX/XX To XXXX/XX/XX’ and generates from the ‘WEB Application Parameters’ defined under Site Configuration in IPPS
- Fill out the field ‘Days Worked’ with the number of days worked
- In the field ‘Hours Per Day’ enter the hours worked
- Please Note if the Daily Entry process is used, the field ‘Hours Per Day’ will be replaced with the field ‘Portion Per Day’ where users will fill in the appropriate portion of the day worked
- Fill in the field ‘Work Location’ with the location worked at.
- Selecting on this field will bring a dropdown menu of all of the available Work Locations where users will select their desired location from this list.
- Enter the appropriate Earning Code in the field ‘Earning Code’, by selecting from the dropdown list
- Please Note when the field ‘Earning Code’ has a shift Code, the field ‘Shift Code’ will become mandatory and users cannot save a Timesheet without filling in the ‘Shift Code’ field.
- Enter the appropriate approval supervisor in the field ‘Supervisor to Approve’
- Users can also enter information in the ‘Replaced Employee’ and ‘Comments’ fields, however, these fields are not required
- Select ‘Save’
- Users will receive the notification ‘Operation successfully completed’ which indicates that the Timesheet was successfully entered
Steps to Approve a Timesheet in K212 Portal
- In K212 Portal, navigate to the Timesheet Module
- Select the desired Approval Screen
- In the Timesheet Approval Screen select the desired Timesheet Status, fill in the mandatory yellow fields and select ‘Search’
- This will bring up list of all the available Timesheets to be approved
- Find the desired Timesheet awaiting approval and select on the menu icon
- This will display a variety of options where users can ‘Edit’, ‘View’ ‘Approve’ or ‘Reject’ Timesheet.
- Select on the ‘Approve’ option
- This will bring up a screen where users can add a note, however, it is not mandatory do add a note
- Select ‘Ok’
- Users will receive the notification ‘Operation successfully completed’ which indicates that the Timesheet was successfully Approved
- Everything is now complete and users can now import the Timesheets
Steps to Import Timesheet Batches
- In IPPS, navigate Payroll\Pay Inputs\Timesheets\Web Transaction Approval by Group
- This can also be done under Payroll\Pay Inputs\Timesheets\Web Transaction Approval and Query for individual Timesheet Entry Processes
- For the desired Employee Group change the field ‘Import Indicator’ from ‘N’ to ‘Y’ and fill out the field ‘Imported By’ and ‘Imported Date’
- For Payroll\Pay Inputs\Timesheets\Web Transaction Approval and Query under ‘Pending’ find the desired Timesheet Entry and change the field ‘Transaction Status to ‘A’ for ‘Approved’
- Submit the process
- View the ‘Timesheet Transaction Import’ Report from the ‘Web Transaction Approval Query’ Process Name under Processes\Completed
- From the Report view the ‘Batch Number’
- Please Note If there is an existing unprocessed batch for the employee group than the system will pick up that Batch Number and
- If no existing Batch Number for the Employee Group exists, the system creates a default one on its own
- Navigate to Payroll\Pay Inputs\Timesheets\Batch Post and Reverse
- Search for the Batch Number for the desired Employee Group
- In the field ‘Task Indicator’ change the status to ‘P’ for ‘Post’
- Submit the Process
- Under Processes\Completed, Process Name ‘Batch Post and Reverse’ review the reports and user everything is correct
- Please Note in K212 Portal the field ‘Timesheet Status’ has updated to ‘Imported’ for the individual employees
- The Employee Group is now ready to process the pay
- Navigate to Payroll\Pay Process\Pay Run Menu and complete the appropriate steps to run the pay