Authorized Indicator = C Information Article
ISSUE: Authorized Indicator under Position and Assignment is reading C, user is unsure the meaning of Authorized = C and would like more information.
Steps to Replicate: Staffing > Position and Assignment > End Date a Position on CURRENT Date > Authorized = C
Staffing > Position and Assignment
**End Date = Current Date
**Authorized = C
Help Menu > Position and Assignment > Authorized?
When Authorized = C > Authorized for Pay Number = 0
- This indicates the change is not authorized yet
- To do so, ensure Entitlement and then Group Authorization is run to get an understanding of all changes and authorize them.
Authorized = C means Current
- It can also be a way to tell HRP that this Position still needs to be looked at, it's not a "Past" position but rather it is a position that was just End Dated.
Note: If you simply run Authorization, the indicator will stay the same, and we do not recommend this as running Group Authorization without Entitlement means you are authorizing changes within the system without even knowing the entitlements/changes.
Steps to Resolve: Run an Entitlement and follow this up with a Group Authorization
The Authorized = C indicator will stay this way until either a pay is run or another Entitlement/Group Authorization is done.