Print ROE Not Processing – Error: Must be Non-Negative

ISSUE: Payroll > ROE > Print ROE yields the below error


Troubleshooting Steps:


where EMPLOYEE_ID = 'xxxxx'

and EI_DATE > '2022-01-31'


**Ensure no negative EI_EARNINGS


select * from EC_EMPLOYEE_AUDIT

where EMPLOYEE_ID = 'xxxxx'

and AUDIT_DATE >= '2023-06-01'

**Ensure there are no records with AUDIT_TYPE = D (Deleted) or anything else unusual under the relevant AUDIT query


where ROE_STATUS = '0'

**Ensure there are no old unprocessed ROE records

Note: ROE Status = 0 indicates the record has not been processed yet. Group ROE is for Status = 0, once processed it will turn to Status = 1. 


select * from EC_EMPLOYEE_ROE

where ROE_STATUS = '1'

**Ensure that you see the appropriate number of records you expect when running this query

Note: Any error could be coming from another record that the system is including in the ROE that you may not be aware of.