Ticket Submission Template and Including Helpful Information
GOAL: To detail how detail and organize details during ticket submission to promote an efficient conversation with support and derive a more meaningful workflow.
OUTCOME: This helps to reduce back and forth between agents and user – thus streamlining the conversation and allowing faster turnaround in ticket replication.
Ticket Submission Template – Necessary Information
- Bottom-line ISSUE clearly stated
- Steps to Replicate in order
- As you are experiencing the issue on your end
- Supporting Screenshots
- To provide supporting details and configuration
- Sample Employee ID (and EMP_GROUP, if necessary)
- Environment experiencing the issue
- Staging or PROD
- Current Patch and Hotfix
- Of the Environment experiencing the issue
- Scope of the issue
- One Employee or Multiple
- One EMP_GROUP or multiple
- All Employees/Groups?
Sample ISSUE Statement Structure:
**Use of Module Path, Issue Statement and Steps to Replicate are integral effectively communicating the What, Where and When of the reported issue**
Sample Steps to Replicate Structure:
Module Path: “Folder > Folder > Module name”
Notes: On this screen do X, then Y, Save.
Module Path 2: “Folder > Folder > Module name”
Notes: On this screen do X, then Y, Save.
Module Path 3: “Folder > Folder > Module name”
Notes: On this module notice (not notice the lack of) X, and outcome Y.
**The goal of clear steps to replicate is conveying exactly what to do under each module, and in what order, to see exactly the defined outcome**
Environment, Patch and Hotfix:
Note: This information can be inputted within the Ticket Details upon Ticket Submission when using the Portal – or simply can be typed within the Ticket Description at the end.
Example: This issue is persisting under Production. We have Patch 43, Hotfix 1 applied currently.
Note: The Hotfix must be stated in the ticket description as there is no Field for this to be input.