DESCRIPTION:  Classification Code P (Permanent), T (Temporary) and C (Casual) not showing for each member under Position Report.


ROOT CAUSE: BENEFIT CARRIER CODE MAINTENANCE SCREEN ('Position Classification' populated, ‘Class’ not)



Classification REPORT FIELD is fetched from ‘Class’ field under EC_GROUP table/Benefit Carrier Code Maintenance screen. If this is NULL, then 'Classification' column will be empty. 



FIX: Populate ‘Class’ field by going to Board Control > General Tables > Employee Group Maintenance > Populate ‘Class’ field




When you go back to Board Control > Benefits > Benefit Carrier Code Maintenance > you will see the greyed ‘Class’ field populated. 



CUPE POSITIONS DATA REPORT (Classification Column no longer empty)


The source of the confusion can often come from the field naming conventions used. 


The ‘Classification’ field on the Position Report does not come from the 'Position Classification' field under Benefit Carrier Code, but instead from 'Class' field, and is determined by your entry under Employee Group Maintenance.